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Mr David Reid

Member, Bass

Club Details

Role(s): Member
Level: Full
Status: Active
Office(s): Section Leader-Bass
Committees/Teams: Music Team
Founding member? Yes

Chorus Details

Role(s): Bass
Status: Active
Front Row? No

BHA Details

Role(s): Member
Level: Full
Status: Active
Office(s): Sunshine Region Chair
Committees/Teams: Regional Chairs

Other memberships and participations

Membership: Former Member of Vocal Evolution Inc. (inactive club)

Membership: Member of Boulevard Harmony (club)

Participation: Bass with Connect4 (inactive quartet)

Participation: Inactive Bass with Four Directions (inactive quartet)

Participation: Bass with Top Shelf (inactive quartet)

Participation: Bass with Reflex (inactive quartet)

Participation: Bass with I Blame Dave (inactive quartet)

Participation: Bass with Meat & Potatoes (inactive quartet)

Participation: Bass with Quarter Time (inactive quartet)

Participation: Bass with Sound Connection (inactive chorus)