Trevor is our President - our leader in all aspects except creative. Trevor was elected to this position by the members of Mixed Vocal Project, and as such we look to him for his presence of mind, wisdom and strength of character. Trevor makes regular administrative announcements during rehearsals.
Vice President:
Yuri is our Treasurer, and as such is someone you need to familiarise yourself with. Yuri's job is a substantial one, and is only made harder when members fail to pay their subscriptions on time. Please make it easy on Yuri and pay your subs promptly.
Gordon is our Secretary. Gordon's primary role is to record and distribute club information,
VP Music:
Please say hi to our VP Music at rehearsal! Our VP Music is responsible for working with the Director on inspiring and planning our creative direction and heading up our amazing Music Team.
VP Membership:
Please get to know one of our VP's - Membership as soon as possible. Every week, they make a note of the attendance of all members, so please make sure that they are aware of your presence at rehearsals and all other events. Please also notify them ASAP whenever your personal circumstances or contact details change. Finally, if you have any friends that you think might be interested in joining us, then please let one of them know.
VP Marketing:
VP Events:
General Member:
Music Team
Music Director:
Kelly is our Music Director - the creative force behind Mixed Vocal Project. It is through Kelly's experience and talent that Mixed Vocal Project hopes to become a truly world-class singing ensemble. Needless to say, it's Kelly that you'll find waving his hands around out the front during every rehearsal. Please abide by his wishes - he really does know what he's doing!
VP Music:
Please say hi to our VP Music at rehearsal! Our VP Music is responsible for working with the Director on inspiring and planning our creative direction and heading up our amazing Music Team.
Section Leader-Tenor:
Section Leader-Lead:
Section Leader-Baritone:
Section Leader-Bass:
Chorus Administration